同中国一样,泰国也是狂犬病疫区。暴露后,他们完全按照WHO建议处理。如果是一级暴露,不作任何治疗;如果是二级暴露,注射狂犬疫苗;如果是三级,注射狂犬疫苗加免疫血清。同时,观察狗或猫10天。如果狗猫依旧健康。治疗可以终止。这时,狂犬疫苗已经打到第三支(Day 0,3,7)。可作为未来咬伤的暴露前预防(好处是,再次咬伤,就不用再打价格昂贵的血清了)
1. It is up to the rabies knowledge update and how expert of the physician.
My institute is the famous place for rabies in human (postexposure prophylaxis) and in animal (diagnosis) for 84 years ago and we also are the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Research on rabies Pathogenesis and Prevention. We will stop the treatment if the dog still alive more than 10 days. (None of the patients died.) The patients will receive vaccine only 3 doses (day 0, 3, 7) and it is enough to conclude this time to be the pre exposure prophylaxis for the future and no need to give RIG (rabies immunoglobulin) in the future bitten by rabid animal.
I have been worked here for 24 years ago about rabies in animals.
2. When the human died of rabies, someone tell that the bitten dog is still alive.
2.1 The real world in Thailand: We can prove that the patients remember for the wrong dog.
2.2 Some one tell that this dog is the carrier or abortive dog (This is only in the expermental study, not in the real world)
我们学院(Queen Saowabha memorial institute)是世界著名的治疗人间狂犬病(暴露后治疗)和动物诊断机构,有84年的历史,同时我们也是世界卫生组织(WHO)狂犬病机理预防合作中心。我们会停止对患者的治疗,如果狗在10天后还保持健康的话(没有一个病人为此而死去)。病人仅仅获得3支疫苗(在当天,第三天,第七天),而这3支疫苗对未来的预防已经足够了,宾根将来就不用注射免疫血清了,如果再次被疯动物咬伤。(我们已经知道,3支疫苗仅能起到预防作用,不能起到本次治疗作用,因此对于本次咬伤来说,打和不打是一样的)
在泰国,我们能证明是患者搞错了狗(被咬抓不止一次获间接感染),这是真实案例 。狗是带菌者或病毒携带者,这仅仅是学术观点,在现实案例中没有。
(必须指出的是:在泰国,人用狂犬疫苗是免费的) |